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3 Reasons Why You Should Stop Reading Self Help Books
Besides the fact that they’re completely and utterly useless
During most of my 20s and early 30s, I went on a massive self-help kick.
I read every book I could get my hands on — sometimes twice — and would listen to audiobooks and lectures when reading just wasn’t feasible.
I wish I could say the thousands of dollars spent on “guru advice” radically transformed my life and helped me achieve all the things I so desperately dreamed about…
But it didn’t.
In fact…
I’d wager reading self-help made me more depressed, more frustrated, and more anxious because my life wasn’t improving in the areas where I felt it should.
Not every book was a waste of time and money, but 99% of them were.
And if I had a Delorean so I could travel back in time to slap that first Tony Robbins book out of my naive 20-year-old hands…
Here are three pieces of advice I’d impart to my younger self:
Therapy or Personal Coaching is a Better Investment
Most self-help advice is geared towards improving oneself in one or more of these three categories: