Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Let me tackle your questions one by one.
1. Brain farts do occur, but I tend not to ride those waves. I let the thought pass and focus on my breathing. I’m not sure how meditating in bed is glamorous. Half the time I drift off asleep and that’s all there is to it. Occasionally, a good idea ferments and I have to get the outline down on paper.
2. I think the creative process is romantic. If you’re not in love with it, don’t pursue it. You’ll be disappointed in the end. Much like involving yourself with a romantic partner who doesn’t love you back.
3. I wouldn’t necessarily “mandate” a daily writing habit. I strive for it because I genuinely love it. But with 3 kids, life sometimes gets in the way.
4. Your last point is a good one. Yes, I do think knowing when to step back and relax into moment is key. You have to look for the moments to push your comfort zone and take a breather if you need one.
A final point:
Writing may not even be a a person’s jam.
The creative process can be different for different people. I have a friend who fell in love with acting and pours himself into it. He makes a living doing what he loves.
My Uncle is a woodworker and makes a living creating beautiful furniture.
The secret is to treat your passion — whatever it may be — as a spiritual practice.
That’s when the pieces start falling into place.